Let me start by saying we had internet troubles today. When I say troubles, I mean it didn't work. At all. I called Shaw, who we switched to last week, and they couldn't do anything over the phone. They have to send a technician out. It just so happens that one was already coming tomorrow. Our HD TV kind of sucks. The sales guy said it would be better than Sasktel, the installer said it would be better. It is no where near as good. It's all pixely and very disappointing. So I called about that this morning, and they said they would send someone out tomorrow - they probably need to boost the signal. Julie said she was surprised that I called, and I said I don't like my HD being messed with. I hope all this gets sorted out, because so far I'm regretting switching. They're coming between 9 and 12.
Tonight was the first soccer game, and I forgot the camera. I took Jorja by myself just because Ginny wasn't having a very good day, and we didn't want to try to contain her for the whole game. The team name is the Parkridge Parakeets. Really? Really? The parakeets? Could they have come up with a lamer animal. It didn't seem very intimidating playing the Caswell Cougars. I couldn't believe how much bigger Jorja looked than last year. Her shin pads actually fit. The shorts didn't come down past her knees. She looked pretty good. I won't go into all the details, but there were some tears, some coming and trying to sit on my lap saying she was tired, some saying I have to pee. If you remember my piano lesson post about how she doesn't like to try new things and not be good, it will make sense. Anyhow, I talked her into going back, and there was one brief shining moment when she actually kicked the ball. Twice. While on a breakaway. It went wide, but she actually ran and touched the ball. It's already better than last year. I guess we'll see what the rest of the season brings.
Anyhow, I've got to go watch Glee now, which we have PVRed. That's the one thing I am enjoying so far. Later.
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