Well, today we took the girls for haircuts. They were absolutely thrilled. It was Ginny's first time, and she did great. She even got it straightened. Jorja just got a trim, and the the stylist put it into a braid for her. She was pretty proud of that. We got bangs cut for Ginny, and it's amazing how different it made her look. She is so cute, if I do say so myself.
The girls have decided that they want to shower the past two days. It was actually Ginny's idea, and then Jorja decided that if her little sister could do it, she could too. Ginny has been sitting on the toilet for a bit before bath time lately. She was before CeCe was born, but then quit after, and now she's slowly warming up to the idea. She wants to 'pee in panties.' I try to explain to her that you don't pee in panties, you have to pee in the potty. Anyway, yesterday she sat there for a while and actually squeezed out a few drops. Well, the excitement from that must have sealed her up a little prematurely. She went running from the bathroom naked bragging of her feat. She ended up going up to the kitchen, and I'm not exactly how things work down there, but all of a sudden, there was this stream coming out almost straight forward from her. And there was a lot left. At least it was on the lino and not the carpet. Well, this shocked her pretty good, but we managed to keep her from getting too traumatized by it.
Jorja had preschool today, and it must have been a good day because she talked non-stop all the way home. She was just hyper. They were learning about teeth today, and made a craft out of apples where they iced marshmallow teeth into the apple and got to eat it there. She also got this cheap little toothbrush, and proceeded to come home and want to throw her spinbrush in the garbage. If we bought her a plain, red toothbrush, there is no way she would ever be that excited about it.
I think that's about it for today. Later.
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