Where has the week gone? I'm not sure, it just seems to be flying by. I mentioned on Sunday that we had spent some time in the pool. I got a few good pictures of Ginny after she got out, just relaxing in the sun and looking cool. I know I'm biased, but she is just way too cute. And funny. There's just something about her personality that makes her so special. I can be furious with her and she'll give me a look, and I'll have to turn away so that I don't burst into laughter.

As I'm writing this, Ginny just fell out of bed. As I was putting her back, CeCe started to squeak. Ginny said to me that CeCe was awake. I know I said, I'm just going to go give her her soother. Which one, Ginny asks. I say that I think it's the green one. Oh, she says, rolls over and closes her eyes. I guess she just needed to know.
We were having lunch today and Ginny asked what was for dessert. We asked her what she would like. We usually have some sort of fruit after every meal for dessert. She looked at us and said, "Cake." I don't know where that came from, but we couldn't help laughing.
The other day we were in the car, and the girls were talking about spider webs. Ginny says that they could be pink. Jorja says yes. Ginny says they could be blue. Jorja says yes. Ginny says they could be brown. Jorja says yes. Finally Jorja thinks she is going to add to the conversation. She says that spider webs can be purple. Ginny pauses and says, "Actually, no." Maybe you had to be there, but if you could hear her say actually, you would understand.

The other day Julie and I were talking and the topic of salmon came up. I said that I liked salmon, and she was surprised. But we never buy it she said. I said that it was because she didn't like it. It's not like it is something that I crave or have to have that she despises, such as Miracle whip. Anyway, she asks if she made salmon salad would I eat it. I reply that I would, so she bought a can. Yesterday, we were having 'red' soup for lunch (tomato). Julie told me to stay downstairs while she was getting it ready. I came up to find this picture. Soup, two salmon buns, sliced pickles and three tastefully places crackers. It was awesome, and the presentation was great. I was reminded of my stint working in a restaurant. My boss would look at me and say, "Dave, we not only make good food, we make good looking food." Mark would be proud. Later.
Seriously - that sunglasses photo - she is a DIVA in the making!!! Love it!!! A future fashionista... Oh & the pout makes it all complete! :o)