Monday, August 15, 2011


I took Jorja to the dentist last week.  I'm not sure whose kid she is because she still has perfect teeth - no cavities.  I'm glad she doesn't have to go through what I did - as long as we keep up the brushing I guess.  Anyway, the hygienist is cleaning Jorja's teeth and they're chatting about life, family and school.  You know, the typical stuff.  The hygienist asked Jorja what grade she was going into and Jorja says one.  She then asked her who was on her backpack and Jorja said that it was all the princesses.  The conversation ensued:  Hygienist:  Which ones? 
Jorja:  Tiani, Ariel, Jasmine, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Rapunzel...(probably some more that I can't think of right now)
Hygienist:  Whose your favourite?
Jorja:  Ariel.
Hygienist:  I still remember my grade one backpack.  Do you know who was on my backpack when I was in grade one?
Jorja:  Who?
Hygienist:  Ariel!

It was at this point I began to feel a wee little bit old.  Make that a lot old.

It was also time for CeCe's 18 month shots.  It's amazing how fast the time goes.  She did pretty good - as good as you can for getting two needles in one arm and one in the other.  I took her on Friday when Julie was working so I had the other two along as well.  They were pretty good until the actual needles came out.  Then they buried their heads in the chair.  Now CeCe is all done until she's four.  Crazy.

Speaking of crazy, I was getting CeCe dressed on the weekend and I was doing up the buttons on her shirt.  I usually count out loud when I do them.  So I said one, and before I could say any more, CeCe pipes up, "Two, Tee."  Where did that come from?!  She can count!  It's amazing what they absorb.

There's a guy at work who always has some interesting sayings.  One of my favourites is, "I'm picking up what you're laying down."  Julie and I have started saying this at home more often just because it's pretty cool...and funny.  So the other day I was saying something to Jorja and I said, "Do you know what I mean?"  Without missing a beat, she said, "I'm picking up what you're laying down."  Now if you think that saying is funny, you should hear it out of the mouth of a six year old, or even better, a three year old.  Like I said, it's amazing what they absorb.  Later.  

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