Saturday, July 16, 2011


It's hard to believe another week has flown by already.  Mind you, it didn't really feel like that at work.  Maybe just the weekend is flying by.

I spent most of the afternoon in the backyard today trying to tame it a bit.  Let's just say the weeds were no match for the rototiller and the unruly grass no match for the whipper-snipper.  After I was done with the rototiller, Jorja and Ginny came out to keep me company.  They jumped on the trampoline, swung, went down the slide and commented on how it was soooo hot.  After a while we stopped for a Popsicle break.  "This sure is a good thing on such a hot day," Jorja said.  It did taste pretty good.  When I was done all my stuff I turned the sprinklers on for them to run through.  Then it was almost impossible to get them to come in.  It was getting close to supper time anyway, so I told them they were going to go straight to the tub when they got in.  They were all dirty and soaking wet anyway.  I brought some towels to the door and told them to take their wet clothes off before heading to the bathroom.  They were standing inside on the floor mat and Jorja says, "Take our clothes off and stand here in our panties!  Right by the door?  Who does that?!" 

Speaking of modesty, Ginny had spilled some spaghetti sauce on her dress at supper time, so I told her to just go put her pajamas on since she had a tub already anyway.  I asked if she needed some help getting her dress off and she replied, "No, I'm going to go take it off in my room so no one sees my boobs."  No sooner had she said that than she walked back through the kitchen butt naked with her pajamas tucked under her arm.  She's a funny one.

Yesterday afternoon I was playing with Ginny and she was cooking for me.  "Cake is in the oven," she proudly announced.  "It has cake and Goodie Rings and Velveeta."  Ahh, she knows me well.  Later.

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