Sunday, March 4, 2012


This morning started out like many Sunday mornings - a mad dash to get out the door on time.  Julie was playing piano today, so she had to go in early to practice.  That left me to wrangle the other three.  I think it is fairly noticeable when I get them ready and do their hair.  It just doesn't have that same 'polished' look.  Oh well.  Anyway, I had them all ready and now I was getting dressed.  Ginny came in to see what was going on.  I was just tucking in my shirt (I was wearing a button-up shirt).  I hadn't worn one in a while.  Ginny asked, "Why are you tucking in your shirt?"  I said, "Don't you think I should?"  She said, "Do YOU think you should?"  I said, "Do you think it looks good?"  She said, "Do YOU think it looks good?"  I could see this was going nowhere.  I untucked it and we left.

When we were on our way home, I asked the girls what they learned in Sunday School.  Quite often this is met with 'I don't remember.'  But not today.  Ginny recited the whole story of Zacchaeus, the 'task collector' from start to finsih.  Jorja learned about the rich young ruler and that it is easier to pass a needle through the eye of a camel than for a rich person to get into heaven.  I guess it just depends how much of a fight the camel puts up.

On Wednesday when Julie took the older two to swimming lessons, I went with CeCe to pick up a few groceries.  On the way home, I heard her say 'boo-boo' in the back seat.  (That's what she calls her boots)  She only ever talks about her boots when she is taking them on or off though.  I turned around and sure enough, her boot was off.  "CeCe, why did you take off your boot?"  She replied, "I don't know?"  A few minutes later I heard, "Sock!"  Sure enough, "CeCe, why did you take you sock off?"  Again, her answer, "I don't know?"  At least she's not making up excuses yet I guess.

On Friday I had the younger two at home with me while Jorja was at school.  We went to pick her up for lunch, and I thought we would walk.  There was some fresh snow on the ground, but the temperature was close to zero.  In retrospect, I think I was maybe a little overambitious.  CeCe made it there not too bad, but I had to carry her the whole way home.  She walked a couple of steps and then sat down.  I guess it would be a fair hike for legs that short.  For the ride home at the end of the day, I brought the car.  Ginny had been asking for a while now to listen to Glass Tiger, but every time she did we were already driving and it was too late.  This time I remembered.  Unfortunately, there's not enough time to get through a song on the ride home from school.  So I drove around a bit and cranked up 'Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone.'  They were belting out the lyrics and slapping their legs along to the bass line.  Ahh, it was enough to warm my heart.  Then Jorja wanted to listen to 'Thin Red Line' too, so we had to drive around a bit further.  It kind of made me feel like I was back in 1986 - cruising around with no destination other than to listen to the music.  Then I looked in the rear view mirror and saw my three little doses of reality.  Oh well, I'm glad they still think I'm cool.  Later. 

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