Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tinkle, tinkle little star
The other day, Ginny was using the potty (not successfully), and Jorja went in to keep her company. The next thing I knew, a concert had broken out. Here's a sample (I love the hand actions):
Monday, June 28, 2010
Today we decided to test out the pool. We bought a 12 foot above ground pool at a garage sale earlier this year. It's supposed to be 4 feet deep, but the water is maybe two and a half. It wasn't a super hot day here, but it wasn't bad. The water, however, was cccccccccold (70F). Well, I thought so anyway. Jorja and Julie didn't seem to think it was too bad. Jorja is just like a fish though - she just jumped right in and was splashing around like crazy. She was fearless, kind of like Ginny on land. Ginny was a little more tentative, she didn't like to be let go of, even though her feet could touch the ground and she has a life jacket on. I held CeCe for a while and when she got too cold, I took her out. By that time Ginny's lips were starting to turn blue, so I took her out too. Hopefully with a little more heat, the temperature will rise a few more degrees. Or maybe we'll have to get something better next year with a heater.
We were driving home from church yesterday, and the girls were talking about Sunday school. Ginny then piped up, "I love God and Jesus, they're just lovely." It was pretty cute.
Yesterday afternoon the girls were playing outside. Julie and I had stepped in for a bit, and I went to check on them. We have a gazebo set up on our patio with a three person swing in it. I look out and Ginny is in the gazebo by herself. I'm not sure where Jorja was at the moment. Anyway, I'm watching Ginny and I'm thinking to myself, 'She's not really going to do what I think she's going to do is she? She is. Holy cow, I've got to stop her!' Here she had taken one of their little plastic deck chairs, placed in on the bench seat of the swing, and was attempting to crawl up there and sit in her new captain's chair. Did I mention this is all taking place on concrete? It will be amazing if her baby teeth come out naturally.
Anyhow, time for bed. Later.
We were driving home from church yesterday, and the girls were talking about Sunday school. Ginny then piped up, "I love God and Jesus, they're just lovely." It was pretty cute.
Yesterday afternoon the girls were playing outside. Julie and I had stepped in for a bit, and I went to check on them. We have a gazebo set up on our patio with a three person swing in it. I look out and Ginny is in the gazebo by herself. I'm not sure where Jorja was at the moment. Anyway, I'm watching Ginny and I'm thinking to myself, 'She's not really going to do what I think she's going to do is she? She is. Holy cow, I've got to stop her!' Here she had taken one of their little plastic deck chairs, placed in on the bench seat of the swing, and was attempting to crawl up there and sit in her new captain's chair. Did I mention this is all taking place on concrete? It will be amazing if her baby teeth come out naturally.
Anyhow, time for bed. Later.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The last time we were at the library, we got some movies, one of them being Disney's Pocahontas. Normally I tune out or doze while the girls are watching a movie, but yesterday for whatever reason, I ended up watching most of it. Later in the day, Jorja was telling Julie about the movie. I asked Jorja if she learned anything from the movie. She looked at me and slowly shook her head no. I asked if she learned that it's better to try and work out our differences by talking and seeing what the other person is going through rather than fighting. She looked at me and slowly shook her head no. Hmm. I asked her if she learned that it doesn't matter what people look like on the outside, it's what's inside that counts. She looked at me, and it appeared as though light went off for her. Then she said, "Yeah, we could see their bones." Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Later.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do. The girls all slept great last night, Jorja got up at 7, Ginny 7:30, and CeCe slept from 11:30 till 8. It was great, and they were all in a much better state of mind today.
We had intended on BBQing this evening, but around 4:30, it started to look pretty ominous out there. It's too bad, because Julie had the beef sliced, skewered and marinating in the fridge (all prepared while I was napping with CeCe - did I mention it was a good day?). Anyway, I decided not to BBQ and it's a good thing - I would have been standing out there in torrential rain, wind and hail. It got pretty nasty - thunder, lightning, power outage. Poor Ginny was pretty spooked by the whole thing. I felt bad for her, but she is so cute when she's all cuddly like that. It doesn't happen very often with her. Jorja was a little freaked out too - she went and got Ginny her blanket and baby, but made sure to bring along her own favourite two stuffed animals as well. So we waited till the storm passed, decided we didn't feel like cooking anymore, and went to McDonald's. Later.
We had intended on BBQing this evening, but around 4:30, it started to look pretty ominous out there. It's too bad, because Julie had the beef sliced, skewered and marinating in the fridge (all prepared while I was napping with CeCe - did I mention it was a good day?). Anyway, I decided not to BBQ and it's a good thing - I would have been standing out there in torrential rain, wind and hail. It got pretty nasty - thunder, lightning, power outage. Poor Ginny was pretty spooked by the whole thing. I felt bad for her, but she is so cute when she's all cuddly like that. It doesn't happen very often with her. Jorja was a little freaked out too - she went and got Ginny her blanket and baby, but made sure to bring along her own favourite two stuffed animals as well. So we waited till the storm passed, decided we didn't feel like cooking anymore, and went to McDonald's. Later.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What do you get when you combine two overtired preschool children? Drama. CeCe was up this morning squeaking at 6:18, and both the other girls woke up. I tried to make them go back, but at that time, it wasn't happening. I finally let them come out at about ten to seven (they are supposed to sleep to seven). By this afternoon, the slightest little thing would set them both into full born meltdown. I thought I was going to snap. I try to be patient, but when my sleep has been deprived as well, it gets a bit thin. I went for a nice bike ride this evening, just me, and it was a nice way to escape for a bit.
On the upside, CeCe had her first trip to the brewery today. Julie had taken the other two girls out to a friend's place this morning, so I took the opportunity to go visit at work. It's always nice to catch up, and CeCe hadn't really even met anyone yet. So she got some love and was really well behaved. She didn't even puke on anyone. Later.
On the upside, CeCe had her first trip to the brewery today. Julie had taken the other two girls out to a friend's place this morning, so I took the opportunity to go visit at work. It's always nice to catch up, and CeCe hadn't really even met anyone yet. So she got some love and was really well behaved. She didn't even puke on anyone. Later.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Jorja and I went out to give blood this evening, and while we were there, she played a soccer game. Boy the mosquitoes are relentless, even with spray. Speaking of spray, it seems Off is sold out everywhere these days. Walmart was out, Zellers was out, London Drugs was out. We finally found some at Shoppers. But back to the soccer game. There was no goal this week, but she did have 'a few good kicks.' She's so tentative out there, even when a lot of the kids are smaller than she is this year. There were a couple of times when she chased the opponents and caught up to them, and then just kind of jogged behind them. So I told her that it was okay to try and take the ball away from the opposition. She just looked at me like I had two heads. Why on earth would you want to do that? Oh well.
The weather here has been decent the last couple of days (it is raining right now though). We spent most of the afternoon in the backyard yesterday. Julie had bought a sunscreen stick for the girls' faces and used it for the first time yesterday. I was talking to Jorja about it today. "Mommy put it on my ears, and my nose, and on my forehead." I asked if I could put it on my forehead. A look of shock and disgust came across her face, "No Dad, I don't want it to get all sweaty!" What could I say? I didn't really have a case against that. Later.
The weather here has been decent the last couple of days (it is raining right now though). We spent most of the afternoon in the backyard yesterday. Julie had bought a sunscreen stick for the girls' faces and used it for the first time yesterday. I was talking to Jorja about it today. "Mommy put it on my ears, and my nose, and on my forehead." I asked if I could put it on my forehead. A look of shock and disgust came across her face, "No Dad, I don't want it to get all sweaty!" What could I say? I didn't really have a case against that. Later.
A week of firsts for CeCe
CeCe had a few 'firsts' this week; an arrowroot cookie, the jolly jumper and rice cereal. I forgot how messy they are. (It's a good thing Julie was doing the feeding.)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day
It's hard to believe that I've been a father for almost five years now. Time goes by so quickly. I think I'll take a little trip down memory lane...
Picture it...Saskatoon...2005...I was in my second year of the biotechnology course at SIAST when Julie got pregnant with Jorja. We lived in an old character house on Ave. B. She was due in July, and I graduated at the end of May. I wasn't really looking too seriously for a job right away simply because I wanted to take some time off when Jorja was born. That, and I had ripped apart a room in our house to make into our nursery and Julie was beginning to get a bit stressed that it wouldn't be done on time. So I spent the month of June working at Western Grocers by night, and inhaling way too much Circa 1850 paint stripper by day while removing 80 years of paint off of hardwood floors, doors, baseboards and window trim. The finished product was pretty impressive.

Then I saw an ad in the paper for a quality assurance position at The Great Western Brewing Company. I applied, had an interview (mentioned the fact that I wanted to take a week off shortly) and was hired. I started there July 4, and Jorja was born on July 22. Even then, after only a couple weeks of work, Great Western was an incredibly understanding employer. I guess even in the beginning it was beer to babies.
Those first day were a definite adjustment, but we got it all figured out (as much as you can with kids, I guess), and the years that have followed have been the most rewarding of my life. We lived in that house for two more years (actually moved on Jorja's second birthday) and then our family expanded on March 7, 2008, when Ginny was born.

She was (and is) probably our biggest challenge as parents. As a baby, she didn't travel well at all (she screamed as soon as she was in the car, and didn't stop till the car did). She was better once her car seat could face forward, but those first months were long. She also cried a lot. Every night we would hold her, pace, bounce, pat her bum, and then as soon as we sat down, the screaming would start again. It was great for the calf muscles. Now she is just our little daredevil. She started walking early, climbing early and has never looked back. She's fearless.
And now our family has expanded for the final (?) time.
Picture it...Saskatoon...2005...I was in my second year of the biotechnology course at SIAST when Julie got pregnant with Jorja. We lived in an old character house on Ave. B. She was due in July, and I graduated at the end of May. I wasn't really looking too seriously for a job right away simply because I wanted to take some time off when Jorja was born. That, and I had ripped apart a room in our house to make into our nursery and Julie was beginning to get a bit stressed that it wouldn't be done on time. So I spent the month of June working at Western Grocers by night, and inhaling way too much Circa 1850 paint stripper by day while removing 80 years of paint off of hardwood floors, doors, baseboards and window trim. The finished product was pretty impressive.

Then I saw an ad in the paper for a quality assurance position at The Great Western Brewing Company. I applied, had an interview (mentioned the fact that I wanted to take a week off shortly) and was hired. I started there July 4, and Jorja was born on July 22. Even then, after only a couple weeks of work, Great Western was an incredibly understanding employer. I guess even in the beginning it was beer to babies.
She was (and is) probably our biggest challenge as parents. As a baby, she didn't travel well at all (she screamed as soon as she was in the car, and didn't stop till the car did). She was better once her car seat could face forward, but those first months were long. She also cried a lot. Every night we would hold her, pace, bounce, pat her bum, and then as soon as we sat down, the screaming would start again. It was great for the calf muscles. Now she is just our little daredevil. She started walking early, climbing early and has never looked back. She's fearless.
And now our family has expanded for the final (?) time.
On February 7, 2010, CeCe was born. She has been a pretty good baby so far, which is good. I feel incredibly blessed to have three beautiful, healthy little girls.
Looking back on these pictures makes me realize fatherhood has done three things to me:
- Made me lose my hair.
- Put on some weight.
- Get progressively more tired.
Seriously though, I wouldn't trade it for a second. I have a wonderful wife and three amazing kids. I can't wait till they're teenagers. Later.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Sand blasting
I was feeling a little under the weather the past couple of days - I was in bed by eight o'clock on Thursday night. I'm feeling better today, so I'm not sure of it was some sort of bug, or just severe sleep deprivation.
My parents ended up stopping in this evening for the night. They were on their way from Alberta to Manitoba intending on taking the trans-Canada and we all know how that is going. There are some pretty devastating pictures coming out of there today - my prayers are definitely with those families. We had a nice visit this evening, and were able to get our brunch reservation tomorrow increased by two, so that was good. I had a really nice talk with my Dad this evening about his childhood and growing up - I'm glad he could be here for Father's day. Mom and Julie went to Walmart in case you were wondering where they were.
This afternoon we bought some sand to finish leveling off the base for the pool. We bought some extra to fill up the sand box for the girls. Boy, did they have a blast. They were covered in sand from head to toe, and loving every minute of it. We decided to just get some McD's takeout, hose them off enough to eat outside, and then bring them straight in for a bath. So after supper, I got them to strip by the front door while I went to get the tub ready. Poor Ginny had so much sand down her diaper it wasn't funny. Her poor little butt crack must have been just chafing. So I go inside for a minute and come back to just a pile of clothes on the step. I yell for them, and there is no answer. I go around the corner to the back yard and here Jorja is on the swing, and Ginny was about to go down the slide (that would have hurt) both of them butt naked. It's a good thing we have a high fence.
Anyhow, I need to go to bed. Later.
My parents ended up stopping in this evening for the night. They were on their way from Alberta to Manitoba intending on taking the trans-Canada and we all know how that is going. There are some pretty devastating pictures coming out of there today - my prayers are definitely with those families. We had a nice visit this evening, and were able to get our brunch reservation tomorrow increased by two, so that was good. I had a really nice talk with my Dad this evening about his childhood and growing up - I'm glad he could be here for Father's day. Mom and Julie went to Walmart in case you were wondering where they were.
This afternoon we bought some sand to finish leveling off the base for the pool. We bought some extra to fill up the sand box for the girls. Boy, did they have a blast. They were covered in sand from head to toe, and loving every minute of it. We decided to just get some McD's takeout, hose them off enough to eat outside, and then bring them straight in for a bath. So after supper, I got them to strip by the front door while I went to get the tub ready. Poor Ginny had so much sand down her diaper it wasn't funny. Her poor little butt crack must have been just chafing. So I go inside for a minute and come back to just a pile of clothes on the step. I yell for them, and there is no answer. I go around the corner to the back yard and here Jorja is on the swing, and Ginny was about to go down the slide (that would have hurt) both of them butt naked. It's a good thing we have a high fence.
Anyhow, I need to go to bed. Later.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My animal
This morning we attempted to go for a bike ride with the whole family. A while back, we had bought an attachment for Julie's bike where Jorja can ride behind her. It has handle bars, pedals, and one wheel, and attaches to the seat post of the big bike. Ginny rides in the seat on the back of my bike, and then I pull CeCe in the chariot. It turned out that there were some kinks to be worked out in the assembly if Jorja's bike attachment (by kinks I mean that after they took one corner, the trailer bike shifted so much that she was leaning something fierce). We were all helmeted up and the other two kids were loaded, so I just took Jorja's trailer off and got out her bike. Well, she's not really up to going anywhere too far too quickly. So Julie went for a ride by herself while I rode with Jorja and then I took the other two girls for a ride while Julie biked close to home with Jorja. CeCe really enjoyed the ride - she fell asleep. I just came in from the garage now, and I believe the kinks have been worked out, so we'll have to see when the sun shines again. Maybe we can make it as far as the park or something.
A few days ago, our super dandelion puller broke. I think maybe it has already done a lifetime worth of work, but we thought we would try taking it back anyway. We no longer had the receipt, but we gave it a whirl. We walked into Canadian Tire, I explained the issue, the clerk said that the Fiskar has a lifetime exchange warranty, so she went and got a new one off the shelf, and we were done. We were so impressed.
This evening Jorja was getting ready for bed, and I was teasing her saying I wanted to sleep with one of her stuffed animals (she has a Care Bear that she got when she was 18 months old and a panda bear she calls Bamboo that she must sleep with every night). I said I really wanted to sleep with Bamboo. She replied, "No Dad, Mommy is your animal." If you only knew Jorja, if you only knew... Later.
A few days ago, our super dandelion puller broke. I think maybe it has already done a lifetime worth of work, but we thought we would try taking it back anyway. We no longer had the receipt, but we gave it a whirl. We walked into Canadian Tire, I explained the issue, the clerk said that the Fiskar has a lifetime exchange warranty, so she went and got a new one off the shelf, and we were done. We were so impressed.
This evening Jorja was getting ready for bed, and I was teasing her saying I wanted to sleep with one of her stuffed animals (she has a Care Bear that she got when she was 18 months old and a panda bear she calls Bamboo that she must sleep with every night). I said I really wanted to sleep with Bamboo. She replied, "No Dad, Mommy is your animal." If you only knew Jorja, if you only knew... Later.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
No, I'm not watching the World Cup, just the Parkridge Parakeets, and Jorja scored today. It was kind of a fluke, but she was in there enough to get it, not off somewhere looking at dandelions, so that was good. She was so proud of herself (and so was I) that she turned around and came running toward me waving and grinning from ear to ear.
Jorja, Ginny and I went for a bike ride today, Jorja on hers and Ginny and me on mine. We went twice around the crescent today - a new distance record. It was in the late afternoon, and Ginny was actually starting to fall asleep in the seat on the back of my bike. Jorja, who has named her bike Jasmine, decided today that the bike should have a middle name 'Speedy.' Because that's appropriate. We were on the back side of the crescent, and when they paved it, they took three swaths sown the street, so there's a visible line a little wider than where the parked cars are. I told Jorja that we just had to stay on the right hand side of that line, and we would be all right. She replied, "That line there that God made on the road." Yeah, that's the one. Later.
Jorja, Ginny and I went for a bike ride today, Jorja on hers and Ginny and me on mine. We went twice around the crescent today - a new distance record. It was in the late afternoon, and Ginny was actually starting to fall asleep in the seat on the back of my bike. Jorja, who has named her bike Jasmine, decided today that the bike should have a middle name 'Speedy.' Because that's appropriate. We were on the back side of the crescent, and when they paved it, they took three swaths sown the street, so there's a visible line a little wider than where the parked cars are. I told Jorja that we just had to stay on the right hand side of that line, and we would be all right. She replied, "That line there that God made on the road." Yeah, that's the one. Later.
Monday, June 14, 2010
4 month shots
Sitting here this evening, we remembered that we were out of both bread and milk. That could make for a pretty slim breakfast, so I went to Walmart at 10:00. It was kind of nice at that hour with no kids - probably mostly the no kids factor that was the real selling point.
I was reading Jorja a book today about fish. One page had an octopus on it that was swimming away from a shark. She informed me that it was swimming to get away from it's 'creditors'. Aren't we all?
Today was time for CeCe's four month shots. She did pretty good, as good as you can when you're that small and get a needle jabbed into each one of your legs I guess. She weighs just over 15 lbs now, so that's good - 75th percentile I think. The nurse was going over the whole rundown of things with me and we started talking about introducing solid foods. She said that the thinking now is to introduce meat as one of the first things. Meat? Better iron I guess. But really? She suggested that when me have meat, like chicken, say, take a drumstick that you already cooked and boil it in a bit of water. (I didn't have the heart to tell her that all we buy are chicken breasts with no bones.) Then scraped it off the bone, and along with the water you boiled it in, put it in the blender. Doesn't it just sound delicious?
Well, it's time to go feed the little one. Just a bottle. Later.
I was reading Jorja a book today about fish. One page had an octopus on it that was swimming away from a shark. She informed me that it was swimming to get away from it's 'creditors'. Aren't we all?
Today was time for CeCe's four month shots. She did pretty good, as good as you can when you're that small and get a needle jabbed into each one of your legs I guess. She weighs just over 15 lbs now, so that's good - 75th percentile I think. The nurse was going over the whole rundown of things with me and we started talking about introducing solid foods. She said that the thinking now is to introduce meat as one of the first things. Meat? Better iron I guess. But really? She suggested that when me have meat, like chicken, say, take a drumstick that you already cooked and boil it in a bit of water. (I didn't have the heart to tell her that all we buy are chicken breasts with no bones.) Then scraped it off the bone, and along with the water you boiled it in, put it in the blender. Doesn't it just sound delicious?
Well, it's time to go feed the little one. Just a bottle. Later.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
We're back!
We made it home this evening from the weekend at Julie's parents' farm. Things went well until we got to Rosetown (an hour from home) when CeCe decided to scream...and scream...and scream. There's nothing like a screaming baby inside a car with two other kids who are bothered by it to get the blood pressure going. She finally fell asleep about five minutes out of town. I suggested we should keep driving somewhere else then, but no one took the bait.
We arrived at the farm Thursday evening in time for supper. Both girls fell asleep in the car so bedtime was not going to come early. Jorja and Ginny went for a ride with Papa first in the tractor and then in the truck. They were having a blast. Jorja couldn't talk fast enough. "The tractor has three speeds slow medium and fast we went mostly in slow and a bit in medium but not too much and not in fast because that would have been too fast and we each got to steer and it has a loader that we got to put up and down and we had to take turns and it was a bit noisy but not too bad and it had three speeds..." Then they went for a ride in the truck to look at some land. They have some land with on old yardsite on it that they call the 'Huber place' (sounds like Hoo-ber). I asked Jorja where they went, and she said, "The Hooer Place." Where? "The Hooer Place." I was going to correct her, but it was just too funny listening to her say it.
On Friday, Julie, Jorja, Ginny and Nanny went to Medicine Hat. CeCe and I stayed back to get some rest. We napped for two hours in the morning. We napped for two hours in the afternoon. It was awesome!
Saturday the sun was finally shining, but the mosquitoes were sooo bad it wasn't funny. I made the comment that they were brutal. Apparently this was the first time Jorja had heard the word, because she kept saying it over and over. "The mosquitoes were bruuutal Nanny. The mosquitoes were bruuutal Papa. The mosquitoes were bruuuutal Mommy."
So that's the weekend in a nutshell. We made it home safe and sound and without any tickets (thanks to a very kind police officer just south of Kindersely that made a motion with his hand for me to slow down). Later.
We arrived at the farm Thursday evening in time for supper. Both girls fell asleep in the car so bedtime was not going to come early. Jorja and Ginny went for a ride with Papa first in the tractor and then in the truck. They were having a blast. Jorja couldn't talk fast enough. "The tractor has three speeds slow medium and fast we went mostly in slow and a bit in medium but not too much and not in fast because that would have been too fast and we each got to steer and it has a loader that we got to put up and down and we had to take turns and it was a bit noisy but not too bad and it had three speeds..." Then they went for a ride in the truck to look at some land. They have some land with on old yardsite on it that they call the 'Huber place' (sounds like Hoo-ber). I asked Jorja where they went, and she said, "The Hooer Place." Where? "The Hooer Place." I was going to correct her, but it was just too funny listening to her say it.
On Friday, Julie, Jorja, Ginny and Nanny went to Medicine Hat. CeCe and I stayed back to get some rest. We napped for two hours in the morning. We napped for two hours in the afternoon. It was awesome!
Saturday the sun was finally shining, but the mosquitoes were sooo bad it wasn't funny. I made the comment that they were brutal. Apparently this was the first time Jorja had heard the word, because she kept saying it over and over. "The mosquitoes were bruuutal Nanny. The mosquitoes were bruuutal Papa. The mosquitoes were bruuuutal Mommy."
So that's the weekend in a nutshell. We made it home safe and sound and without any tickets (thanks to a very kind police officer just south of Kindersely that made a motion with his hand for me to slow down). Later.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
No socks!
Well, today started off with a bang, quite literally. Breakfast went by with no incident, and when Ginny got dressed, she decided she wanted socks. Shortly thereafter she decided to take them off. I was upstairs at the time, and she had taken them off in the kitchen. She came up the stairs, threw her arms in the air with her socks in her hands and declared, "I don't want socks!" As she did so, she lost her balance, went over backwards, did a backflip, half-twist, face-plant half way down the stairs and landed at the bottom. I saw the whole thing in what seemed like slow motion. I rushed down and grabbed her and then Julie and I started to examine her. Once she calmed down, we saw blood in her mouth, but it wasn't really obvious where it was coming from. Then Julie noticed her front tooth - when she touched it, more blood pooled around the base of it. It was a bit loose. Yikes. So I called the dentist (she's never been before) and they said they could see her as soon as we got there. So we all piled in and headed to the mall (the dentist is in the mall). Ginny wasn't overly cooperative, but the dentist did manage to get a look and a bit of a feel, and thought it should be all right. She said some would pull it if it was loose, but she wouldn't if it was her kid. She thought we should try to save it as long as possible. If there was nerve damage, it may get discoloured, but it should be okay. Just eat fairly soft things for the next two weeks (no apples!). So she has yogurt for lunch, pudding for snack, and we had pasta for supper. However, she was playing outside this afternoon and was supposedly sitting on a lawn chair properly when she came around the corner screaming again. She had somehow tipped the chair over, and there was more blood coming from her tooth. Sheesh. The rest of the day was probably fairly typical for her, but you don't realize just how dangerous she is until you are trying for her not to bump her mouth at all. Stressful.
We're heading south to Julie's parents' place tomorrow, so hopefully everyone travels well. One is teething, one is trying to knock her teeth out, and one is just broken-hearted when her sisters hurt. Are we nuts? Later.
We're heading south to Julie's parents' place tomorrow, so hopefully everyone travels well. One is teething, one is trying to knock her teeth out, and one is just broken-hearted when her sisters hurt. Are we nuts? Later.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
No Got It!
This morning, Ginny was done breakfast before Jorja. CeCe was squeaking, so I wiped Ginny up, took her out of her booster seat and let her loose. I went upstairs to get CeCe and left Jorja to finish her breakfast. I was gone for a few minutes, and when I returned I witnessed Ginny standing on my chair next to Jorja, and she had the lid off of the 4 litre milk jug. Two minutes I was gone. She is going to cause me to lose what hair I have left a lot quicker. Anyway, I go down there, get her to sit down on the chair and give her a stern warning about standing on chairs and taking the lid off of the milk. "Don't do it again. Got it?" I say. She looks at me, sticks out her lip, crosses her arms over her chest, turns away and says, "No Got it!" Excuse me? She's two. We are so in trouble. A tearful, tantrum-filled battle of wills ensued, and eventually she apologized. It was a good start to the day.
Why is it that not all kids can have a good night's sleep on the same night? We finally have Jorja pretty much down to one bathroom break per night. Ginny seems to wake up quite a bit, and come into our room as soon as she does. However, last night she was good. Neither her nor Jorja were up at all after we went to bed. Then there was CeCe. She just would not stay settled. Today too, she was just miserable. She has been super drooly for a while now, so we kind of thought maybe we were getting into teething. But you couldn't feel anything in there. Finally at supper time tonight, I but some baby oragel on her gums. Within minutes she was a totally different baby. I guess at least now we know. Ginny is barely over getting her two-year molars, and here we go again.
We just finished watching the season finale of Glee. What an awesome show. I think they are definitely good for Journey's career. There's a whole new generation being introduced to 'Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' - does it get any better than that. Well, 'Don't stop believing' was better, but that's a given. Later.
Why is it that not all kids can have a good night's sleep on the same night? We finally have Jorja pretty much down to one bathroom break per night. Ginny seems to wake up quite a bit, and come into our room as soon as she does. However, last night she was good. Neither her nor Jorja were up at all after we went to bed. Then there was CeCe. She just would not stay settled. Today too, she was just miserable. She has been super drooly for a while now, so we kind of thought maybe we were getting into teething. But you couldn't feel anything in there. Finally at supper time tonight, I but some baby oragel on her gums. Within minutes she was a totally different baby. I guess at least now we know. Ginny is barely over getting her two-year molars, and here we go again.
We just finished watching the season finale of Glee. What an awesome show. I think they are definitely good for Journey's career. There's a whole new generation being introduced to 'Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' - does it get any better than that. Well, 'Don't stop believing' was better, but that's a given. Later.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Four months
CeCe turned four months old today. It's hard to believe - it seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home. Now she is smiling, laughing, rolling over, grabbing toys. It all goes so fast.
We still have some flowers to put in when the weather cooperates. We have a narrow flower bed along the fence that has a sprinkler line running the length of it, so it can't be rototilled. Being the good husband that I am, I took it upon myself yesterday to garden claw it up so that Julie could put the flowers in. I was quite proud of myself, and when I was done, I brought Julie out to show her my good work. She looked at it, looked at me, and said, "It looks good...where's my day lily?" "Day lily?" I reply, "have I told you how much I love you?" Later.
We still have some flowers to put in when the weather cooperates. We have a narrow flower bed along the fence that has a sprinkler line running the length of it, so it can't be rototilled. Being the good husband that I am, I took it upon myself yesterday to garden claw it up so that Julie could put the flowers in. I was quite proud of myself, and when I was done, I brought Julie out to show her my good work. She looked at it, looked at me, and said, "It looks good...where's my day lily?" "Day lily?" I reply, "have I told you how much I love you?" Later.
Last night...
This is what I was writing last night, but there was a problem with Blogger, so I couldn't publish it...
I’m sitting here sipping a large diet coke from McDonald’s. They now have any size of pop on for $1.00. There’s just something about fountain pop that hits the spot. I went through the drive-thru this evening and ordered two. When I got to the pick-up window, he only gave me medium. I said no, I want the big ones. It’s good to be Mennonite.
Jorja had some wicked gas this evening. She was letting them rip left, right and center. She has been going to bed once Ginny is asleep lately (it seems to work better than at the same time), and I usually carry her up. For such a little person, she is a very noisy stepper. Anyway, I not sooner get her picked up and put my arm under her bum than she lets this big, loud, long ripper go. Right on my arm. And stinky. Boy, did she think she was pretty funny.
We had a bit of a scare today. CeCe was laying on the floor playing with her little ‘gym’ thing (there’s toys over her head she can bat at and chew on). Ginny was walking and tripped and fell on her arm/shoulder area. I’ve never heard CeCe cry like that before – she was definitely in pain. Then Ginny started wailing because CeCe was crying. Eventually everyone calmed down, and CeCe seems to be all right. It’s a good thing they’re made of rubber when they’re young.
Jorja has been on this kick the last couple of days. Maybe it started yesterday. She said, “Dad, I’m going to live here forever when I’m big. I just love it so much.” Say what? I try to explain how things work, but she’s not going for it. She even told Julie that she would have to share her clothes when she grew up. I wish I could have taped that for when she is a teenager. Then we’ll see how long she wants to live here. Later.
I’m sitting here sipping a large diet coke from McDonald’s. They now have any size of pop on for $1.00. There’s just something about fountain pop that hits the spot. I went through the drive-thru this evening and ordered two. When I got to the pick-up window, he only gave me medium. I said no, I want the big ones. It’s good to be Mennonite.
Jorja had some wicked gas this evening. She was letting them rip left, right and center. She has been going to bed once Ginny is asleep lately (it seems to work better than at the same time), and I usually carry her up. For such a little person, she is a very noisy stepper. Anyway, I not sooner get her picked up and put my arm under her bum than she lets this big, loud, long ripper go. Right on my arm. And stinky. Boy, did she think she was pretty funny.
We had a bit of a scare today. CeCe was laying on the floor playing with her little ‘gym’ thing (there’s toys over her head she can bat at and chew on). Ginny was walking and tripped and fell on her arm/shoulder area. I’ve never heard CeCe cry like that before – she was definitely in pain. Then Ginny started wailing because CeCe was crying. Eventually everyone calmed down, and CeCe seems to be all right. It’s a good thing they’re made of rubber when they’re young.
Jorja has been on this kick the last couple of days. Maybe it started yesterday. She said, “Dad, I’m going to live here forever when I’m big. I just love it so much.” Say what? I try to explain how things work, but she’s not going for it. She even told Julie that she would have to share her clothes when she grew up. I wish I could have taped that for when she is a teenager. Then we’ll see how long she wants to live here. Later.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Saturday in the park...
We wanted to get some more flowers put it today, so I took the girls to the park for a bit this morning so Julie could have some uninterrupted gardening time. CeCe had her first swing ride and enjoyed herself. Ginny had her first go on a big swing and had fun. Jorja fell off a swing at preschool once this year, so she is a little spooked. Last summer she loved it, now as soon as she gets a little bit high, she gets scared. It will just take some time I guess - that and the fact that Ginny is doing it now.
After lunch, CeCe was having a nap, and the rest of us were all outside. Ginny is such a handful - she is into everything the minute you turn your back. Julie was planting stuff and I was trying to get the patio cleaned up (washed, hockey net put away) and set the gazebo up. Ginny had a new one today - when she would get yelled at to keep out of something, she would stomp off and say, "I'm gwumpy! Hmmph!" If a person wasn't so irritated with her at the time, it would have been kind of cute.
This evening Jorja was fawning over CeCe and decided that her middle name should have been 'Sweetie Pie.' Then she decided that her middle name should be 'Pretty.' I asked what mine should be, and she replied that it could be whatever I wanted. So I suggested 'The Best Dad Ever.' She said, "No, how about rockstar." Yeah, I guess that will do.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Out for supper
We just got back from some friends' house for supper. We had a great time, good company, and the girls are wasted. Their kids are a little older than ours (youngest is 6), but they always have a blast out there. We made Ginny have a nap this afternoon so that we could make it through. (On a side note, we have gone without naps for probably a week now, and things have been great - she goes to bed no issues, and usually before 7:00) We were upstairs visiting when our friends' six year old son came up with Ginny close on his heels. He went to a closet and proceeded to get out a pair of real scissors. I noticed this, and made his father inquire about the situation. It turns out Ginny had been styling his hair, and apparently it was time to step it up a notch. Close call.
I was another rainy day today, and the forecast has rain each day for the next week. Julie was able to get a bit more planting done yesterday (some annuals in pots), but we still have some more to do. I got the grass mowed too, which is a good thing as well. We took turns holding CeCe and watching the other two while the other one did some work. The girls were putting on performances again at the top of the play centre. Jorja had apparently gotten over her stage fright from the last time she tried, and was belting out the songs. I always wonder what the neighbours must think. She's all right, but I don't think we'll be seeing any footage of her childhood singing when she's the Canadian idol.
I'm not sure what tomorrow will hold. This is the first week without preschool, and it already seems to be tough to keep track of the days. Maybe a trip to the library. Later.
I was another rainy day today, and the forecast has rain each day for the next week. Julie was able to get a bit more planting done yesterday (some annuals in pots), but we still have some more to do. I got the grass mowed too, which is a good thing as well. We took turns holding CeCe and watching the other two while the other one did some work. The girls were putting on performances again at the top of the play centre. Jorja had apparently gotten over her stage fright from the last time she tried, and was belting out the songs. I always wonder what the neighbours must think. She's all right, but I don't think we'll be seeing any footage of her childhood singing when she's the Canadian idol.
I'm not sure what tomorrow will hold. This is the first week without preschool, and it already seems to be tough to keep track of the days. Maybe a trip to the library. Later.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Today, the sun was finally shining, and we took advantage of it. Julie had a physio appointment this morning, so I took the girls outside. It was nice, but it wasn't super nice - jackets were still needed before lunch. They had been so starved for the outdoors that they insisted on having a picnic. I didn't really think it was that nice, but I gave in. I just made buns with some ham and cucumber slices. They were sitting there eating, and Ginny picks this little bit off of her bun and asks Jorja what it is. "Oh that's okay Ginny, that's just bun skin." Who knew? By the time they were done eating, I was holding CeCe because she had woke up and was fussy. They were both sticky and in need of washing, so Jorja decided that they should use their water bottles. They then proceeded to pour their water out onto their hands, and had a blast attempting to wash. I'm not sure they were any cleaner than when they started, but they sure enjoyed themselves.
After lunch we decided that it was time to put in the garden...finally. We started with potatoes. I dug the holes and the girls took turns putting in the potatoes. They were having a lot of fun. After that, we got into some seeds, which were a little harder to control. It could look kind of like a patchwork quilt when things start to come up. Some spots will be fairly heavy, some will be a little sparse, and some will be a little erratic. Every time I looked, Ginny was planting things no where near the row they were supposed to be in. Oh well, some things aren't that big of a deal.
The break in the weather meant that the scheduled soccer game this evening was a go. I think Jorja had more fun in her time off the field than on. She did however kick the ball..."twice, one little one and one big one." She and one other girl were having fun with dandelions for a while. Then she was playing with a boy who was in her preschool class. It's funny because this was the third soccer game and the first time that they really acknowledged that they knew each other. They were making funny faces and having little sword fights with blades of grass. When we were walking back to the car, she said that this boy was there. I replied that I saw him and asked if she had fun playing with him. "Yeah," she said, "we were doing silly things to each other." If I hadn't been sitting right there, I might be a little worried.
The forecast for tomorrow is for more sun. Hopefully it's true. Later
After lunch we decided that it was time to put in the garden...finally. We started with potatoes. I dug the holes and the girls took turns putting in the potatoes. They were having a lot of fun. After that, we got into some seeds, which were a little harder to control. It could look kind of like a patchwork quilt when things start to come up. Some spots will be fairly heavy, some will be a little sparse, and some will be a little erratic. Every time I looked, Ginny was planting things no where near the row they were supposed to be in. Oh well, some things aren't that big of a deal.
The break in the weather meant that the scheduled soccer game this evening was a go. I think Jorja had more fun in her time off the field than on. She did however kick the ball..."twice, one little one and one big one." She and one other girl were having fun with dandelions for a while. Then she was playing with a boy who was in her preschool class. It's funny because this was the third soccer game and the first time that they really acknowledged that they knew each other. They were making funny faces and having little sword fights with blades of grass. When we were walking back to the car, she said that this boy was there. I replied that I saw him and asked if she had fun playing with him. "Yeah," she said, "we were doing silly things to each other." If I hadn't been sitting right there, I might be a little worried.
The forecast for tomorrow is for more sun. Hopefully it's true. Later
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