CeCe has some new lip gloss that smells like some sort of fruit. I'm not really sure which one. She put some on the other day and wanted me to smell her lips. You'd think that may be a strange request, but I've been asked to do that on many occasions over the past several years. So I bent down to her face level and took a deep breath and said how nice they smelled. She took a step back and wrinkled up her nose. 'That was too close!' she said. 'That was kind of like an ogre. Eww.' I guess next time I won't be so enthusiastic.
We were driving home from school today and were stopped waiting for a school bus. Ginny saw a friend of hers out the window and pointed him out. He was talking away to himself and then started climbing a little snow bank, got down on his knees and started punching holes into it. His mouth never stopped moving. He was very into whatever he was imagining. I asked Ginny if she wanted to say hi and started rolling down her window. She said no and then she and Jorja started this whole giggling fit about how it would be so weird to say hi. (They've always been weird about seeing friends outside of school or wherever they normally see them. We'll get home from somewhere and they'll say that they saw someone. Did you say hi? Well, no, of course not. Weird.) He was pretty into whatever he was doing though - it may have been weird to say hi in this case.
The girls all had a run of bad colds which we are pretty much over now. The one day Ginny was coughing and then she started to giggle. I asked her what was so funny. She said that as she was coughing, she squeezed out a fart. Ahh, the ever funny fart. It never gets old. We chuckled and then came up with a new word - fough. It's the fart/cough combination. She thought that was pretty hilarious. Jorja walked into the room. 'Jorja, I foughed!' More laughter from Ginny and a confused look from Jorja. I don't think they're quite ready for the shart yet. Later.
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