Sunday, August 24, 2014

ALS IceBucket challenge

This week, the ALS icebucketchallenge hit our house. First up, Julie was nominated by a friend of hers who lives on the east coast. They must be used to the cold ocean spray out there - probably a piece of cake for them. Out here on the prairies, we're not used to that sort of thing. But Julie is not one to back down from a challenge. Here are some still shots from her video. 

1.  Saying a little prayer. 

2.  I'm not going to like this. 

3.  Oh mamma!!

4.  The children squeal in delight! 

5.  That was cold!! Dave, run me a hot tub stat!!

Late on in the week, I was nominated by my brother. His wife nominated him after he dumped a whole front-end-loader bucketful of water on her head. I asked the girls if they wanted to do it with me and only CeCe was up to the challenge. She was super excited and really into it. Here's some shots of us. 

1.  CeCe yells, 'let's do it as a team!!'

2. Her bucket hits her head a little before mine. 

3.  Oh mamma!!

4.  That is really cold. 

5.  More screaming...mostly from me. 

So there you have it. A lot of fun, but it is bringing a lot of exposure to a worthwhile but overlooked cause. Get out there and donate. Later. 

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