Monday, January 30, 2012

He's and old man

This weekend, I took the girls on a road trip.  Just me.  What was I thinking?  I'm not sure.  There were several moments when I wondered what I was doing (like when Ginny is freaking out because CeCe is hitting her and I am trying to navigate icy roads and freezing rain) and other times when all was good (like when they all fell asleep).  It was kind of a last minute decision.  Jorja was off school on Friday and Julie was busy on both Saturday and Sunday doing some training, so I thought I would take the kids to my parents' for the weekend. 

So we ventured out Friday morning after Julie left for work.  My initial plan was to make it to Wainwright before we had lunch, but the girls were soooooo hungry by the time we hit Battleford that I stopped there.  I pulled into McD's and we went in.  It turns out that you can't order lunch 9 minutes before 11:00.  Now that may not seem like it's that long to wait to order lunch, when you are by yourself with three kids (one of them being CeCe), nine minutes is an eternity.  They had muffins and I had an egg mcmuffin.  We were back on the road and things were going well.  Except that CeCe was not napping.  The entire drive, no one napped.  It was a long four and a half hours.  Near the end, we passed the time like this:

We arrived in Tofield safe and sound and had a good weekend visiting.  The girls all got to go for coffee with Nanny and a friend of hers while Dad and I held down the home front.  Life was good.  Saturday we were discussing the previous night and Jorja told me that she took Ginny pee once.  Really?  When was that, I asked.  She told me it was before I came to bed.  "Apparently she still had some pee in her bladder."  Apparently.

Sunday we woke up to freezing rain, so we waited a little while and then set out.  The roads weren't great at the start, but they cleared up by the time we were back in the good land (Saskatchewan).  And this time all three fell asleep.  What a glorious hour that was.

Today was back to the routine of things - work, school, daycare.  This evening I took Jorja to her piano lesson.  Her teacher does it out of her living room, and has a folding room divider that parents can sit behind if they want to stay.  Enough for some privacy, but still able to hear everything.  Jorja was playing a song called 'In the old days' or something like that.  Her teacher asked her if she ever asked her grandparents or even parents what it was like when they were kids.  Jorja said that my favourite movie when I was a kid was Star Wars.  Her teacher said that it was probably still one of my favourites even now that I am a big kid.  "Oh no!" Jorja piped up.  "He's not a big kid.  He's an old man.  He's 39!"  Thanks Jorja...thanks.  Later.

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