It appears we may have finally had a break-through on the potty training front. It actually happened at Dee's house this past week. Dee has another girl there a little older than Ginny, so maybe it was a peer pressure thing, but one day Ginny came home wearing panties. She still had some accidents in the evening, but this weekend was great. All day Saturday and Sunday with no accidents. We even went out for a few hours on Saturday afternoon with her in underwear. There's a new meaning to living on the edge. She made it through though, with flying colours. We made her go at Walmart, and that went off without a hitch I guess. Julie took her and Jorja to the bathroom and Ginny got to pee on top of Jorja's pee - how exciting! Whatever works. Julie made cupcakes in honour of the occasion, and Ginny took some to Dee's today to celebrate with a potty party. And she came home in the same pants and underwear that she went in. Finally, there is an end in sight. Now we just have to conquer the number two and we'll be set. So far the only time she has done that since the wearing of the panties has been after she is ready for bed and in her pull-up. Oh well, everything in due time.
I was going through my itunes library the other day and just for kicks, turned on the feature that shows how often each song has been played. It soon became obvious that in the past five years there has been a definite shift in my music listening. All of the top songs played were by Sharon, Louis and Bram. The top song had been played more than twice as many times as the top played adult song. At least I still have the ride to work. Later.
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