I'm not sure where this month has gone, or why I haven't written more. The longer I go, the more scared I get to write something new, so I'm just going to jump back in. Time to shake off these winter blues (seeing as how it feels more like spring now) and write again.
Julie and I celebrated our tenth anniversary this month on the tenth. We had plans of a little getaway - a couple of nights in a hotel (with the kids, so there wouldn't be too much celebrating) water sliding and having some fun. Unfortunately, Ginny and CeCe both got the stomach flu the night before, so we ended up cancelling everything. We were pretty disappointed, but didn't really feel like sick kids in a hotel. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate puke? Yup, not a fan. At one point, we were in the process of cleaning up CeCe and her mess when she puked again. Only this time I was holding her. It's funny how my first reaction was to try to contain everything so it wouldn't make a mess everywhere. She was in just a diaper at this point, to she went straight to the shower with Julie. That left me and my shirt which had caught pretty much everything. I should have been a goalie. Long story short, I threw the shirt out. Yes, our anniversary ended up a little more low key than we anticipated.
On the upside, it was nice that weekend, so I got the Christmas lights up. I thought I had bought a lot after Christmas last year, but they just didn't go as far as I would have liked. I wanted to Griswold up the place, but it still looks tasteful. Oh well, maybe next year. If Julie gets her way, we will have at least one inflatable on the lawn pretty soon.
Ginny has decided that she is a ninja. So far I'm okay with this. She hasn't discovered throwing stars yet.
We got out the 'Just Dance' game for the wii the other night. All you do is hold the controller in one hand and mimic the dance moves of the person on the TV. If you wanted to cheat, you could just move your hand the right way and get a really good score, but there's no fun in that. We started out with Ginny and Jorja each having a controller, Julie was helping CeCe, and I was dancing with no controller. Eventually Ginny tired of holding it, so she went free-style and I took the controller. It was fairly obvious that I was winning all the dances, so I put the remote in the wrong hand. This strategy worked, and Jorja ended up with more points than me. Later on that evening, Jorja said to me, "Dad, I know you let me win that game." What, I said in shock. "You put the controller in the wrong hand," she said. Holy observant batman. I can't even let her win without her knowing it. I thought I was being kind of sneaky. I guess I'm not a ninja.
We had Jorja's parent-teacher interview this evening (or three-way conference as they like to call them now because the student comes too). There are not a lot of times when I have been more proud. We knew she was a great reader, but she is just an all around good kid too. She helps others, listens well (not sure why this doesn't happen as good at home), is nice to everyone and is a leader. When they have 'free' time, they are encouraged to do whatever they want - draw, colour, play games, read. Apparently Jorja's favourite thing to do during this time is curl up in the rocking chair and read the children's Bible that is in the classroom. I almost got a little misty eyed when I heard that. She's a pretty amazing kid.
This November has also become Movember for me. That's right, I'm sporting a stache. I'm just not sure that a month is enough time to do all the things that I would like. It's not really long enough for wax yet. Oh well. If you want to donate to the Movember campaign for prostate cancer, check it out: