Friday, July 30, 2010
In the pool
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Shaw out, Sasktel in
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Ginny and salmon
As I'm writing this, Ginny just fell out of bed. As I was putting her back, CeCe started to squeak. Ginny said to me that CeCe was awake. I know I said, I'm just going to go give her her soother. Which one, Ginny asks. I say that I think it's the green one. Oh, she says, rolls over and closes her eyes. I guess she just needed to know.
We were having lunch today and Ginny asked what was for dessert. We asked her what she would like. We usually have some sort of fruit after every meal for dessert. She looked at us and said, "Cake." I don't know where that came from, but we couldn't help laughing.
The other day we were in the car, and the girls were talking about spider webs. Ginny says that they could be pink. Jorja says yes. Ginny says they could be blue. Jorja says yes. Ginny says they could be brown. Jorja says yes. Finally Jorja thinks she is going to add to the conversation. She says that spider webs can be purple. Ginny pauses and says, "Actually, no." Maybe you had to be there, but if you could hear her say actually, you would understand.
The other day Julie and I were talking and the topic of salmon came up. I said that I liked salmon, and she was surprised. But we never buy it she said. I said that it was because she didn't like it. It's not like it is something that I crave or have to have that she despises, such as Miracle whip. Anyway, she asks if she made salmon salad would I eat it. I reply that I would, so she bought a can. Yesterday, we were having 'red' soup for lunch (tomato). Julie told me to stay downstairs while she was getting it ready. I came up to find this picture. Soup, two salmon buns, sliced pickles and three tastefully places crackers. It was awesome, and the presentation was great. I was reminded of my stint working in a restaurant. My boss would look at me and say, "Dave, we not only make good food, we make good looking food." Mark would be proud. Later.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Jorja's birthday par-tay
After they were done that part, we went upstairs and did a craft. They each got to decorate their own pair of flip-flops. Then it was back downstairs for a Tinkerbell variation of pin the tail on the donkey and a little bit of freeze dance. They really enjoyed the dancing. Julie was dancing with them at the start, and I was manning the controls. Then we switched it up. I showed them all some moves from the eighties (the classic side to side shuffle with a finger snap) which they all tried to imitate. Then I picked Ginny up to dance with her for a bit, and soon I was getting all kinds of requests for dances. For obvious legal reasons, and well as my back holding up reasons, I opted not to pick any of them up. I did get down on my knees and dance with each of them for a bit though, most of them twice. I've never felt so popular. *sigh*
By the time parents started coming, we were exhausted, drained, spent. It was an intense two hours. The girls all had a blast though, so it was worth it. Everyone was in bed early.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Birthdays of years past
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Christmas in July
We were barely home five minutes, and I had changed two poopy diapers already. Ginny never pooped the whole weekend we were were away, and CeCe only did once. I too suffer from this problem quite often. Some of Julie's friends call it 'holiday lockdown.' When I was still working, they were talking about it on the radio one morning too, so I know it's a real problem. Anyway, Ginny has been cleansing ever since she's been home - twice yesterday, and four times today. Did I mention that my Mom makes really good bran muffins that the girls both love and ate quite a few of on the weekend? I think everyone is pretty much cleaned out now though.
I made the call today to switch back to Sasktel. I just can't believe how crappy Shaw is. Last night when we were watching the Bachelorette (I know), even Julie said how glitchy and pixely it was. That was the final straw. Not to mention, I couldn't go through a whole CFL season with the picture we had. So July 29, we switch back. They've got quite a good deal on too, for people who are coming back from Shaw. Plus, Sasktel has the Playhouse Disney channel, which Shaw doesn't offer. That means no Strawberry Shortcake, Carebears, Handy Manny...It was a bit of an adjustment for the girls. So today I told Jorja that we were getting it back and she was ecstatic. Tonight when we were saying our prayers she thanked God that 'Daddy talked to those boys and that on July 29 we are going to switch TV.'
Jorja's fifth birthday is coming up this week on the 22nd. We're having her party on Saturday, so that should be draining (there will be 7 little girls in the house for two hours). She's pretty excited though. One little girl that she invited wasn't able to come, so there were tears over that this morning. It's a rough life. Later.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Morning itch
Anyway, we're off to my parents' place for the weekend. Be back Monday. Later.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Riding in the truck
The dishwasher was in after lunch, so I took both girls with me to get it. Apparently Jorja didn't know about rolling down windows either. She really took to it though. She asked if she could roll it down and I said sure. She rolled it down till it was a couple inches from the bottom and stopped. I told her that this window would go all the way down if she wanted. Well, you should have seen the look on her face. She thought she was pretty grown up. It must be a totally different experience riding in the front seat when all you've ever done is ride in the back. They were both just full of questions about pedals, buttons, levers. They thought it was pretty cool.
Then came the task of installing the dishwasher. Things went fairly well. First I hooked up the water and turned it on. No leaks. Good. Then I hook up the water drain line. Finally the power. Then the ultimate test - down to the basement to flick the breaker. No smoke. No fire. No Julie yelling, "What have you done?! Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!!!" (She was on the lookout for me while I went downstairs. Then we washed a load of dishes and it worked. Clean dishes and a dry floor. I was pretty proud of myself.
We started watching the new summer show 'Rookie Blue.' (A cop show.) It's awesome. It is really the only thing worth watching on TV right now. Well that, and the Bachelorette (Julie always watches it and I started and now I'm hooked.) Okay, the Bachelorette isn't worth watching, but I just can't stop. Yes, it's embarrassing, I know. Later.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
House Hunters
Julie had to have a mole cut off today at the doctor's office. Sometimes Julie doesn't do that well with needles, so I took the girls to check on her when it was done. It just so happened that Julie's appointment was at the time when I had to pick Jorja up from DVBS, so we couldn't just drive her. So I took the other two girls, picked Jorja up and went to the doctor's office. On the way over, Ginny asked if the doctor used pink scissors. I replied that I wasn't sure. Then she asked if she used a pink knife. Jorja replied that the knife would just be silver. "Everything in a doctor's office is either silver, white or clear." It turned out Julie was fine. I guess after three children and all the needles that go along with that, having GBS and getting a spinal tap, she's getting better at handling needles.
Julie's Dad was in town today on some business and he stopped by with Jorja's birthday present. They had also got some fold-up canvas lawn chairs for the girls that they could have today. They even have cup holders in the arm. So they wanted to take them out this afternoon to try them out. They asked for their water bottles immediately of course. Now I know they always like to sit at the top of their play centre to sip their water and I've seen plastic lawn chairs up there before. I thought I would preempt anything bad from happening so I said right off that bat that these chairs were not to go to the top of the play centre, they were not to sit the chairs on top of the swing, and that the chairs were to stay on the ground. They kind of gave me this look of disbelief like I was asking for some outrageous request. I'm glad I did. Later.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ginny was a little better today, but she sure likes to go pick Jorja up. It was the same when preschool was still on. It was nice to have a little one on one time with her this morning though. We read some stories, and had a little tea party. She didn't want my tea though, only wanted to give some to me. If only life were always like that...Later.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Jorja was talking about aging this evening and how 'old' people get white hair. Julie said that she is getting grey hair, does that make her old. "Yes it does." I say that some people just lose their hair and go bald. "Yeah Dad, like the hole on top of your head." Ah, she sure knows how to make a person feel good.
We enrolled Jorja in a DVBS program at a local church here (she's not old enough to go to our church's program, but we got a pamphlet in our mailbox and thought we would give it a try). She did really well, considering she didn't know anyone. I asked her today if she made any friends. She replied, "I told you Dad, I didn't learn anyone's name." I guess that means knowing someone's name makes you friends. Interesting concept. I guess that means she's ready for Facebook. Poor Ginny was a little out of sorts this morning though without her sister for two hours. She didn't quite know what to do with herself. (Probably because she's used to being told what she should be doing with herself).
I'm feeling pretty good this evening. Things are getting back to normal, not too sore anymore. Suck it up already the women out there are probably thinking. Try giving birth. All right, I'm done talking about it. Later.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I managed to avoid be jumped on by the girls, and sat around with some ice for most of the day. Things are starting to feel better today, so that's good. So here's hoping things continue to get better as scheduled. Later.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Pancakes and puking
I went and rented a few movies this evening for my recovery time on the weekend. The brochure says not to do anything on Friday except lay on the couch with ice for 30 minutes each hour. Does anyone have any explanations to tell Ginny when she asks why Daddy is laying on the couch all day with peas on his penis? (We have always used the real terms for body parts). Really, I'm open to suggestions. Later.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
We're going to go into the brewery tomorrow morning for the annual pancake breakfast. Maybe pancakes and a beer first thing in the morning will calm the nerves. Hmm, maybe I should go on Friday as well. No, that won't be necessary. It will all be good. Later.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Pouting, the zoo, and cleaning
Yesterday we went to the zoo. It was a gorgeous day out, and we hadn't been in a couple of years. Ginny asks every day what kind of animals are at the zoo, so we thought we would finally go and show her. The first things we saw was the grizzly bear. This kind of freaked her out - she was pretty scared. We got her convinced nothing could hurt her, and then she had fun after that.
And we managed to keep out of the duck pond, so that was good. The last time we went, we only had Jorja, and we had stopped to feed the ducks. We left the stroller at the top of the hill, and forgot to put the brake on. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the stroller careening down the hill toward the water. It hit the bottom of the hill, ramped off some rocks, paused in the air for a moment, and then sank. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion, like it was right out of a Mr. Bean skit. Without thinking, I raced after it. I was balancing on some slippery, slimy rocks while trying to reach it. Yes, I fell in. Half way up to my knee in duck poop infested water. And it was early in the spring, so I was wearing jeans, socks and shoes. It was gross, to say the least. This time was much better. We only had to leave the area when the mother goose though we were getting a little too close to her young. We got out before things got ugly though. Our children won't have a fear of geese.
We had some friends over for supper on Saturday evening. Naturally we were running around trying to get the house cleaned up. Jorja asked me, "Dad, are you cleaning up because we're getting company?" Busted. It shouldn't be that obvious should it? Later.Friday, July 2, 2010
CeCe finds her toes
CeCe found her toes, and quite enjoys them. Ah, to be that flexible...not that I would want to suck on my toes.
We had a bit of a shower this afternoon. Well, maybe that is an understatement. This is what our street looked like. Crazy. Everything was good in the house though, so that was good. We are a lot luckier than a lot of people in the city.
The other day, I had gotten the girls some gummie bears. They were sitting in the car eating them, and Jorja was telling me all the flavours, "The yellow ones taste like lemons, the orange ones taste like oranges, the green ones taste like limes, and the red ones taste like all the red fruits." Wow, what a magical little candy. Later.